Guarantor Power #1: How society views women and how that impacts how they view themselves. This power is one that affects the self esteem of women all around the world and how they're supposed to look.
Guarantor Power #2: The two ways my parents view me. This power is my parents and they decide what I do and when, they feed me and clothe me and take care of me.
Symbolism for photo 1: The symbolism for this photo includes barcodes that list what women are being categorized as and how they try to erase these labels by symbolically wiping away the barcode. In this photo I put my hair up into a messy bun and wore baggy clothes to look more defeated by these comments.
Symbolism for photo 2: The symbolism for this photo starts with the blurred lights. I view myself as a overall bright person although somedays I do feel down and my light dims or 'blurs'. The second symbol is me hiding behind the flowers. This is supposed to demonstrate that everyone is willing to expose part of themselves, in this case it is my eyes, and hides the other half in fear of being completely transparent not knowing how everyone will react to their whole true selves.
Symbolism for photo 3: The symbolism for this photo starts with the two different ways I am being portrayed. This is supposed to symbolize how my parents view me. On one side I am seen as kind, reserved, responsible and trustworthy. I demonstrated this by editing the photo to look softer and lighter, I also wore classes, put on minimal makeup and pulled my hair back. On the other side I am seen as irresponsible, untrustworthy and wild. I demonstrated this by making the photo look sharper and darker. I put on way more makeup, had my hair down and put on a more revealing outfit.
Reflection Questions:
8. I believe that each photo tells a story in its own way. The first photo portrays how women are limited to what society expects of them and when their image doesn't meet everyone else's standards they categorize themselves and dumb, ugly, or fat. In the second photo portrays how people like to have their shining moments however they still hide part of their true selves for the judging eye of the public. The final photo tells the story of how parents can misunderstand who you really are and instead, see the two different sides of you. The good side and the evil side.
11. What I found frustrating about this project is having so many ideas and so many things that control your life that you have trouble choosing one. Once you finally do you have to figure out how to explain exactly what this power affects your life in one picture.